I still sick, I'm sorry because I wanted to go to see the "EZF" but my body finally says no when I arrive home.
By the way, does any body knows a good Osteopath and if is possible also Physiotherapeut in Dresde?
Thank's in advance.
From here I want to say that I'm very glad of have had the chance of know a group of cyclist like you.
I´m also sorry for being unable to give you some direction for osteopaths, but in Dresden it should be easy to find some physio - almost every fifth random person on this street is a physiotherapeut (and every fourth is an studied Geographist...). I never heard of some physio to avoid, so you should be safe to chose a random one.
Der junge Mann suche ne Osteopathie/Physiotherapie! Also versucht Ihm lieber zu helfen als
im holprigen Grundschulenglisch und aus Langeweile das Forum zuzuspammen!
Er suchte nicht irgendeinen Doc, sondern einen, den jemand aus dem Forum aus der Erfahrung heraus empfehlen kann. Aber danke für die kurze Einführung in die Benutzung von Google. ^^
like witch-bird wrote above, nearly every fifth buddy in the street is a physio. If he's a good one you need to find out. But I can recommend you "Physio3", depends which part of the city you live...
we went to Hanna Scholtyssek (Martin-Luther-Platz 1) with our son and were very satisfied with her treatment.
I don't know wether you have a german health insurance, but if so it could be a good idea to go to a normal Doctor before and get a prescription. Then the health insurance may take all or at least a part of the cost for the Osteopath.
here you can find how much you health insurance pay: http://www.bv-osteopathie.de/de-kostenerstattung.html
Das MUSS SO sein.
Immerhin ist das ein wichtiges Element der ganzen Geschichte hier, und wird auch ganz oben links auf der Seite in allerfeinster Bildform klar und deutlich dargestellt; und ist dort netterweise sogar entsprechend beschriftet.
Que se mejore!
Good luck and get well soon.
le knusper
im holprigen Grundschulenglisch und aus Langeweile das Forum zuzuspammen!
like witch-bird wrote above, nearly every fifth buddy in the street is a physio. If he's a good one you need to find out. But I can recommend you "Physio3", depends which part of the city you live...
@noble pedal-knight: you're fully right. HAHA, great...
we went to Hanna Scholtyssek (Martin-Luther-Platz 1) with our son and were very satisfied with her treatment.
I don't know wether you have a german health insurance, but if so it could be a good idea to go to a normal Doctor before and get a prescription. Then the health insurance may take all or at least a part of the cost for the Osteopath.
here you can find how much you health insurance pay:
get well soon!
I can recommend this office located at Wasaplatz:
Most of the stuff are both osthepaths and physiotherapists.
Good luck and a fast recovery!
Immerhin ist das ein wichtiges Element der ganzen Geschichte hier, und wird auch ganz oben links auf der Seite in allerfeinster Bildform klar und deutlich dargestellt; und ist dort netterweise sogar entsprechend beschriftet.