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Does any body know a good Osteopath in Dresden?

Hallo ich bin David, von Spanien.

I still sick, I'm sorry because I wanted to go to see the "EZF" but my body finally says no when I arrive home.
By the way, does any body knows a good Osteopath and if is possible also Physiotherapeut in Dresde?

Thank's in advance.
From here I want to say that I'm very glad of have had the chance of know a group of cyclist like you.

David Bragado


  • Dear David, I'm sorry but I don't know such a doc!

    Que se mejore!
  • I´m also sorry for being unable to give you some direction for osteopaths, but in Dresden it should be easy to find some physio - almost every fifth random person on this street is a physiotherapeut (and every fourth is an studied Geographist...). I never heard of some physio to avoid, so you should be safe to chose a random one.

    Good luck and get well soon.
    le knusper
  • bearbeitet July 2015
    Der junge Mann suche ne Osteopathie/Physiotherapie! Also versucht Ihm lieber zu helfen als
    im holprigen Grundschulenglisch und aus Langeweile das Forum zuzuspammen!
  • Er suchte nicht irgendeinen Doc, sondern einen, den jemand aus dem Forum aus der Erfahrung heraus empfehlen kann. Aber danke für die kurze Einführung in die Benutzung von Google. ^^
  • Aber man kann doch, wenn man garnix sachdienliches beizutragen hat, auch mal nix antworten?!
  • bearbeitet July 2015
    Eh David,

    like witch-bird wrote above, nearly every fifth buddy in the street is a physio. If he's a good one you need to find out. But I can recommend you "Physio3", depends which part of the city you live...

    @noble pedal-knight: you're fully right. HAHA, great...

  • bearbeitet July 2015
    Hey David,

    we went to Hanna Scholtyssek (Martin-Luther-Platz 1) with our son and were very satisfied with her treatment.

    I don't know wether you have a german health insurance, but if so it could be a good idea to go to a normal Doctor before and get a prescription. Then the health insurance may take all or at least a part of the cost for the Osteopath.
    here you can find how much you health insurance pay:

    get well soon!
  • bearbeitet July 2015
    Eventually You also could try this osteopathic healer. Good man with practice, knowledge and a deep belief in the basic rationale of his actions.
  • bearbeitet July 2015
    Hi David,

    I can recommend this office located at Wasaplatz:
    Most of the stuff are both osthepaths and physiotherapists.

    Good luck and a fast recovery!

  • Vielen danke for your answer, I have a health insurance that cover Germany. I'll try one of the specialist you mentioned.
  • Dear David, I'm sorry, that we lost you during the todays tour. I hope you're fine!
  • wie im kindergarten...
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